Players don't have positions in Korfball; all players must be able to take up any role on the pitch at any time. There are a few common attacking positions that are useful to know about though, as they make up the basis of the korfball attack.


This position refers to an assisting position, whereby the player is a few metres from the post, turned outwards towards his or her teammates. This position is predominately to allow teammates a player to pass to. If an attacker makes a break past their defender, then the feed will pass to them at the appropriate point to allow a running in shot. If an attacker moves backwards and gains space, then the feed will pass the ball to them for a long shot. Multiple passes may take place in order for the attack to be successful. Feeds should be mindful of all of their teammates who can shoot (typically 2), and should not just focus on the player that is directly in front of them. They should also be mindful of their defender. If the defender has fallen asleep and is not defending, they may have an opportunity to shoot themselves. Their defender may also try to cut the feed; because of this the typical position is a wide stance, with bum sticking out to keep the defender behind you. Feeds should also not be afraid to swap their pivoting foot to achieve maximum reach for passing.


Instead of the player being in the feed position facing outwards, a player to the side will act as the assist. This is typically done when a player runs in, passes the ball outwards to a side feed, and the ball is returned, so that a running in shot can be made.


Before attempting any kind of shot, it is important to have someone in a collect position. This position is where a player has control of the post. They will typically be between their defender and the post, and be actively keeping their defender out. They should try and face outwards towards the area of play, so that they can see the shot being made. You might have guessed it, but the point of the collect is to retrieve the ball after a shot, and return it to their team for another attempt (or to take an easy shot themselves if the opportunity allows). The idea is that they control all of the space in front of them (i.e. if the ball lands there, they will get it first), and so they should maximise that space as much as possible. A cheeky tip here is if your opponent is close to the post and you can't get past them, you can "pin them into" the post with your leg, That way if the shot goes long you control all of the space behind the post!


A dynamic collect is typically done when a player shoots and no collect is in place. This shot may occur from a running in shot or a close range shot. In which case the shooting player should assume the collect position as soon as they have finished shooting, in case they missed. After a medium or long shot the shooting player should follow their shot in, and get ready to collect the ball if necessary. If a long shot is taken without a collect, another player may also need to dynamically move into the collect position to retrieve the ball; it is not just upon the shooting player to do this.


This isn't really a position, but more of a manoeuvre, used to create a strong static collect position, when a feed position has already been established. Typically this will be done with a male/female combination, otherwise it becomes easy to defend. The collect player will come from behind the feed and do one of two things:

    1. They can stand directly next to their feed (also in a feed position) and be passed the ball with a simple small pass (the ball must leave the hands of the first player before touching the second players hands). If this is done the player without the ball follows step 2 instead.
    2. Come very tightly around the front of the feed and assume the collect position. The player now controls the whole post.